Tall and Skinny Shimmy Soap Technique

After a busy week spent with the grandmother, yesterday, finally, I had this beautiful idea of trying this month technique. I usually do several tries, and I am very engaged but yesterday evening , after making my 1st batch of soap, I just couldn’t do any more. The news that broke through was terrible. Terrible was also…

Alternative Liquid Soaps

It’s been a long time since I last made a challenge soap but when I saw that Amy is organizing a challenge concerning natural colorants, I immediately thought that this would be interesting to participate. The theme was something I love: alternative liquids. So bye-bye water and think of something different to make your soap….

Squeeze Bottle Technique

This months challenge was Squeeze Bottle Designs,  a technique I had never heard about before. I like finding out about new techniques, especially when I have to put them in practice. As for Amy, the technique was first demonstrated on Sirona Springs blog by Ruth Esteves. So this month’s challenge is to make a design…

Dandelion Zebra Swirl

This month’s challenge from Amy Warden, of  Great Cakes Soapworks is the Dandelion Zebra Swirl. This dandelion zebra  swirl was originally discovered by Vinvela Ebony from Dandelion SeiFee. It’s always nice to find out new creative soapers and it’s especially nice to see what the participants joining this challenge from all the corners of the…

Gradient Soap

Amy Warden’s Soap Challenge for this month was the Multi-Colored Gradient Soap. I have done it before twice and also thanks to Amy’s challenge. Lovely technique, very easy to make as long as you choose a slowly moving trace essential oil. Last year my gradient soaps contained only 2 colors, therefore I wanted something more colored this…

Holly Swirl …Again

 This is my 2nd soap made for The Holly Swirl Challenge. I was in the mood for flowers, so I added some rosebuds on top: beautiful in every way, roses are the perfect flowers. I don’t know if it is due to the new mold I use (Coprah mold from Saponine), but lately I really…

Holly Swirl

Since I received the Saponine mold, making soaps is more than a simple pleasure. I can’t wait making my mantra swirl soap using this mold, but in the meantime, I subscribed to the Amy’s monthly challenge. This month’s soap challenge at Great Cakes Soapworks was the Holly Swirl, a modified in-the-pot swirl method and so…

Mantra Swirl

I decided to take part in Amy’s Great Cakes Soapworks Mantra Swirl Challenge. For those who are not familiar with this challenge club: each month Amy organizes a new challenge where we try a different soap technique. Interesting, as we get to improve our soapmaking skills. What is different from the other challenges Amy already…

Peacock Swirl Using Natural Colorants

Who doesn’t like challenges? Even if they take time and energy, challenges are something I do with pleasure: there is always something to learn and you can never get bored of them. When Amy announced her new idea of having each month a challenge, I was really content. The bad part was that I will…

Leopard Spots Soap

This fourth week was the most challenging for me: really impressed by the leopard spotted soap done by Cee and so happy when Amy announced this technique,  I didn’t expect this week to be so difficult. I tried three times: for the first soap I didn’t calculate well the quantity of the main pot soap,…

The 3rd Week Challenge- Swirls Tops

I was really excited about this challenge, as it gave me the opportunity to try something I have never tried before. Looking at all those beautifully made soaps by Emily was an inspiration for me. My first soap is a Russian Cambrian Clay soap which contains coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, sesame oil, avocado…

Elemental Swirl

Never before thought of trying this challenging swirl, but with this week 2 we had this lovely occasion to give it a try. Elemental swirl is basically two in-the-pot swirls divided by a pencil line. It sounds gorgeous, I know, but at the first sight it sounded kind of difficult to me, because of the…

Tiger Stripe Soap Challenge

I am so happy  to be able to take part in this challenge organized by Amy.  Last year was really interesting and fun, so when Amy let us know the challenge would be organized again this year, I was really excited. For the 1st week, we had to make a Tiger Stripe soap.  Nice challenge,…

My First Landscape Soap

Interesting challenge, but i didn’t have so much time to think about this soap as I wanted, because I had to prepare the luggage for a mini-holiday 🙂 Soap made of coconut oil, safflower oil, shea butter, sunflower oil, palm oil. For this rustic soap I wanted to have a rustic scent also, so I…

Creating peaked tops…

I have never thought making soaps involves so much energy, passion, creativity, ideas, colours, scents, joy… This is a watermelon soap made of goatmilk and buttermilk, palm oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, castor oil, grapeseed oil, frankincense essential oil and lemon essential oil, Italian rose ochre, red clay, spirulina, poppy seeds. I have tried to…

Graduate Colours Soaps

I believe this is my favourite challenge…because of its simplicity. I found the blue soap made by Amy so lovely that I couldn’t wait trying my own gradure colours soap. As for the previous technique I had to use colorants, this time I was content to use only natural ingredients. My first experience: red clay…

Frankincense and Lemon

It is the first time I try this essential oil in a soap. I discovered this scent when I received a gift soap from Alexandra . The smell was different, exotic and I started to gather info about it. Since I am busy with creating soaps, I like more and more essential oils and I…

Cupcake Soap

When I first heard of this challenge, I was thinking that this is really NOT something for me. I couldn’t see myself using a soap cupcake in bath: maybe because in my head a cupcake was too fragile and because I consider these kinds of objects more useful for decoration. But I was pleasantly surprised…

Rosmarinus officinalis

This soap was made of butter milk and coconut milk, which I have never used before. Before I have discovered butter milk, I was addicted to goat milk. But, I love so much the texture of buttermilk that I believe I wouldn’t be able to use another type of milk than this one. The challenge…