What can I add to my soap?

This is the question I got asked everytime during my soap workshops! What can I add to my homemade soap to make it look nice? Anything! I would say anything but let’s define it. The moment you make soaps is a creative process. Beside the formula and the chemistry part, making soap is a lovely…

My Veganuary Soaps

I hope it’s not too late to wish you a magical 2020, without hospital visits, but with loads of travels to new destinations and lots of encounters with your loved ones! Here are some of the soaps made lately during my soap workshops.

October soaps

Normally in october I always would start my Christmas soaps, but this year was a little bit different. I hope november will be a month of Xmas soaps, as this is always so lovely to create some green/red soaps. These soaps were made using Fermented Wheat Bran I received from a lovely friend who came…


I will not start this post saying what my objectives for 2016 are, as I don’t really believe that setting new objectives is mandatory in January. After so many December days spent with family, January already sounds like a less happy month. That’s why I like to start this month with gratitude. 2015 was a…

Alternative Liquid Soaps

It’s been a long time since I last made a challenge soap but when I saw that Amy is organizing a challenge concerning natural colorants, I immediately thought that this would be interesting to participate. The theme was something I love: alternative liquids. So bye-bye water and think of something different to make your soap….

September Soaps

September has always been one of the busiest months of the year. Especially now that we have two schoolchildren at home, no toddlers any longer… . Discovering that your child wants to follow a new extraschool activity, thinking twice before deciding to let them participate or not, trying to get it organized,…all these things makes…

Maté Tea Soap

It’s been a while since I posted something here.  And a lot of things happened around me lately…things which make you stop and think about life at a different level … The good thing is that I am not anymore upset because our pc crashed and that we lost every single photo of our children,…

Chocolate Soap

“Chocolate doesn’t make the world go round … but it certainly makes the ride worthwhile!”

Kombucha Soap

If you are interested in living healthy, you have certainly already heard about kombucha tea. Kombucha is a fermented tea which can be easily brewed at home and which has a lot of health benefits, boosting your immune system and energy levels. Kombucha contains a slippery, living mat of stuff known as a “mother” or…

Kvas/Kvass Soap

If you are born in one of the former Soviet states, you have certainly at least once drunk some kvas. Sweet, with a taste like a natural cola, kvas represents a major part of Russian culture. It is especially popular in Russia and Ukraine, but also well known in other countries where there is Russian…

Chocolate Soap

“If there’s no chocolate in Heaven, I’m not going.” Jane Seabrook Soap made of: coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, cacao butter, shea butter, black Belgian chocolate, Peru balsam (Myroxylon balsamum), cinnamon essential oil, mint essential oil, cacao powder, spirulina powder.

Red cabbage juice soap

This ingredient was on my ‘to do ‘list since several months, and finally, I made a soap using it 2 weeks ago. I can say that this was one of the most interesting soap experiences: I was expecting any colour but not this lovely rose. To give you some hints: the ingredient I use is…

Pumpkin Soap

Autumn is the pumpkin’s period. I couldn’t let this season pass by without making a pumpkin soap. Last year, I had a less nice experience using the pumpkin puree , so this year I wanted to make a different version of the pumpkin soap, and I used pumpkin juice instead of water. The colour I…

Walnut Soap

I am fond of nuts. Cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazilians or pecans, I eat them every day. I am so obsessed by them that I have always some nuts with me. All nuts are healthy but walnut has many unique health benefits. Walnuts are high in protein, vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, trace minerals, lecithin…

Black Rice Soap

“As Rosemary is to the Spirit, so Lavender is to the Soul” Soap made of: coconut oil, sesame oil, peanut oil, walnut oil, olive oil, lavender essential oi, powdered black rice.

Fermented Wheat Bran Soap/Sapun cu Bors Proaspat

It has been a while since I made simple soaps, but being so impressed by the delicacy of Kalla’s soaps, I decided to keep it also simple this time. The idea of making the borscht soap came when I made the whey soap last year. Both probiotics, borscht and whey are good sources of health and natural care. In…

Goji Berries Soap

We haven’t enjoyed a lot of sun this summer, and to compensate this, I decided to make for the month of June a yellow soap. I could have used calendula or dandelion flowers, curcuma/turmeric powder, carrot juice or sea-buckthorn oil, but goji was something I wanted to test a second time. Coming from China, they…

Black Sesame Soap

It is a big Chinese thing that eating lots of black sesame helps with grey hair. Black sesame seeds are the most common tonic herb in Chinese cooking. Chinese have used black sesame seeds as a natural hair treatment for thousands of years. People believe it helps to restore hair color, and grow thick, strong…

Guess the Ingredient Soap

Soap made of castor oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, palm oil, almond oil, Eucalyptus Citriodora essential oil , zinc oxide. I have used an ingredient which I have never used before and which gave the soap this rustic dark grey colour. For the  upper layer I used some oxid zinc. The…

Elderberry Soap

We drink this juice regularly during the cold season, because it seems to boost the immune system. But it’s worth drinking elderberry juice often because it contains a lot of  bioflavonoids which are known to be the most effective antioxidants for the prevention of human cell damage. I have never made it at home,  but…

Red Rice Soap

Asian women are known for their delicate beauty and smooth, young skin. This is probably why I’m always attracted by traditional skin care remedies from the Orient. One of these remedies is  using rice powder, which we know more for its exceptional nutritional properties. Red rice is traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to…

Turmeric Soap

Every one making soaps has at least once tried this powder in soap. This magical spice seems to be a treasure for our health. Curious to see the variety of colours one can obtain using it,  I made 2 different layers containing different quantities of  turmeric. It’s a real pity that the nice rose colour,…

Whey Soap

I often make cottage cheese at home. I have grown up seeing my mother making it, so buying the fresh milk and making this cheese brings back memories. If you produce your cheese at home you know that starting from milk you get on one hand cheese, and on the other hand sour whey, which…

The Winner…

I was about to post some hints this evening like: Think healthy Think exotic Think fruit Think anti-oxidants Even Think Red But Marika came with the right answer! So I got this colour using the goji berries (mixed with water). Thanks Marika for your answer and thanks everyone who participated here :)!

‘Guess The Ingredient’ Soap

Soap made of: coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter, palm oil, peanut oil, olive oil, water, frankincense essential oil, red myrrh essential oil, cocoa powder. I have used an ingredient which I’ve never used before and I really like the yellow colour which I obtained through it.The one who can guess correctly ‘the ingredient’ receives…

One Day

It has been one year I have been making soaps. Exactly one year before, I took a day off to make soaps. I sent my girls to school/crèche and I decided to give it  a try and to see if I am able to make a soap 🙂 .  Since that moment, making soaps has…

Pumpkin Soap

I am not a big fan of Haloween, actually I have never liked this period of year . But I love pumpkin. I have always loved it. And because I wanted to use pumpkin in soap, this year I decided to like Halloween also. I spent a lot of time thinking which essential oil to use in my soaps, …

Falling For Autumn

 Autumn is by far my favourite season… It has a particular beauty: the changing colour of the leaves, the crisping sound when walking through them, the touching  emotion of the rain, the rich colourfull fruits , the  unique  smell of the air …all these make you think of a kind of resignation, of a deep silence  …When you look around outside and…

From Nature With Love

Je suis adepte de la ligne de cacao… J’aime la ligne toute droite, parce que le savon me semble parfait. Mais , ce qui me plaît aussi est la ligne ondulée, cela donne un air spécial et unique au savon. Savon fait à base de lait de chèvre et de poudres naturelles:  d’urucum( couche en-dessous) et…

Celery Soap

 Green is one of my favourite colours. The first green in soap I obtained  using netel  powder , afterwards I discovered spirulina as a natural colorant but the colour seems to fade away slightly after a while. This time I wanted to try green juice from celery, a  healthy plant which contains vitamin C, A and potassium. Celery is a hydrating…

Aloe Soap

Aloe vera soap  was on my ‘to do’ list since some months.  My will was to make a soap using the fresh aloe vera plant and not the gel/juice which can easily be found in shops. We had an aloe plant back at home which was really old and growing too big and when my mother came to visit us this year, she brought…

Salt Soap

I have never tried making a salt soap before, but I have recently read so much about the benefits of sea salt that I was really content that my next challenge was to create a sea bar. Internet is really a great thing when it’s about gathering info and thanks to some blogs, I gathered…

Beer Soap

As I have never tried before to create a soap based on beer, I was very curious what this challenge would bring me. I followed the same process as with milk soap. Seeing the result at first sight I was very enthusiastic: the colour worked out really nice. While I was already thinking of the…

Rosmarinus officinalis

This soap was made of butter milk and coconut milk, which I have never used before. Before I have discovered butter milk, I was addicted to goat milk. But, I love so much the texture of buttermilk that I believe I wouldn’t be able to use another type of milk than this one. The challenge…

Cranberry soap or My daily cream

Depuis quelques semaines je gâte mes mains avec un savon fait à base de jus de canneberges( cranberry) et lait battu. Au départ , lorsque j’ai coupé ce savon, je ne l’ai pas trouvé attrayant, limite moche du fait qu’il était loin de mes attentes( d’habitute les jus rouges de tomates, betteraves etc. changent lors…


Making soap has become an obsession . I see in everyting a possible ingredient for my soaps. I know it seems strange but this is the 1st time I have tried  honey and wax together in a soap. I wanted the darker part to be a black one, that’s why I used the black clay…

Lavande…quoi d’autre

Quand je pense à un savon artisanal, j’ai dans la tête le savon à la lavande. On peut  faire mille combinaisons de savons, mais j’ai voulu un savon à la lavande à la fois simple et élégant. La lavande est pour moi le symbole de la zen attitude, du calme. Plante apaisante, elle est conseillée…

Geitenmelk en netel poeder

Deze zeep gaat zeker mijn favoriete zeep worden. Het is mijn tweede zeep met netel ,maar deze keer heb ik netelpoeder gebruikt en de zeep voelt nog zachter aan de huid.  Ik heb het watergedeelte door melk vervangen. Geitenmelk is zo mild omdat de pH van geitenmelk heel dicht bij de natuurlijke pH van onze huid ligt….


 Il y a deux mois j’ai commencé à faire mes savons . J’ai encore beaucoup à apprendre, mais j’expérimente chaque fois quand je fais un savon( au moins une fois par semaine). Pour fêter les 2 mois, j’avais décidé de faire du chocolat. J’avais dans ma tête l’odeur de mon dernier gel de douche acheté(…