Maté Tea Soap

Maté tea soapIt’s been a while since I posted something here.  And a lot of things happened around me lately…things which make you stop and think about life at a different level … The good thing is that I am not anymore upset because our pc crashed and that we lost every single photo of our children, holidays, soaps etc; I also restarted reading novels…I know, you would say WHAT ? but when you have 2 kids, a job, some hobbies and when you want to make almost everything yourself at home, finding time for reading is not easy. And… it’s May: I love this month of the year more than any other month especially because I go to see my mother. Usually she would come to see us but… Strange how this mother-daugther relation gets stronger after all those years, even if we see each other only twice a year.Maté tea soap

10th may is Mothers day in Belgium. It felt so nice to see my girls coming to me with poems learnt at school, presents and flowers. I only wish those moments would last longer. It made me think more about my mother and her habits.

My mother loved/still loves her daily tea moments and we loved seeing her enjoying it. Every time we visit new places, we bring her some tea. During his last business trip to Chile and Argentina, my husband found a tea which one could buy almost everywhere there but of which I have never heard before: maté tea. I love to discover new ingredients, so immediately I started to google about it . I was surprised to find out that this tea has the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate” all in one beverage. Almost known as a national drink of Argentina, this tea has become my morning routine at work at least 2-3 days a week. Drinking it, feels like being on holiday 😉

Soap made of: maté tea, coconut oil, olive oil, cacao butter, shea butter, lavender essential oil, lemon essential oil.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. shandryss says:

    Nice post and nice soap!

    1. Natalia says:

      Multumesc, Sanziana!

  2. Marga says:

    Genieten van de belangrijke dingen in het leven…xxx Marga

    1. Natalia says:

      Bedakt, Marga! Groetjes

  3. Cannella says:

    Happy to see you back ! Your soap is so pure and so nice.
    Bisous 🙂

  4. Jenny says:

    What a piece of wonderful soap it is!

    1. Natalia says:

      Thank you, Jenny!

  5. Monica says:

    Happy belated Mother’s Day Nat! How wonderful that you got to spend time with your mother and that your kids are creating wonderful memories with you.

    The soap is beautiful, as are all your soaps. Do you get the benefits of the mate tea from using it in the soap as well? Nice to hear you found some time to start reading, but that’s really bad news about the photos. But on the bright side, you can make more memories with your kids and save it to an external hard drive from now on, right?

    1. Natalia says:

      Monica, not sure about the benefits of the tea in soap as well, but you know me, I like to experiment…
      Yes, now, we will pay attention to save the photos 😉

  6. soapjam says:

    It sounds like you are very zen about your approach to life, and it reflects in your beautiful all-natural soap creations. 🙂

  7. Cee says:

    Welcome back Nat! I’m so sorry to hear about your computer, that can definitely be devastating 😦 The soap turned out lovely and the tea sounds like something I would really love – thanks for sharing your find! 🙂

  8. Maja says:

    Thanks Nat for sharing bits from your personal life. Although, we’ve know each other for years now,there’s always something new to discover.
    I know that tea, I’ve seen it around,but never have tasted it. I know those annoying commercials and becuase of being annoying,I never learnt what they were for,lol! Surprisingly, the soap is extremely white, knowing that there is tea in place of water, don’t you think? Beautiful soap and beautiful photos!
    I’m glad you sorted the things in your life out,so I hope you will back to soaping routine.
    Oh, sooooo sorry to hear that pictures are gone, maybe there is a way to restore them from hard disc?

    1. Natalia says:

      Maja, the soap isn’t as white as it looks…but yes, I was also expecting to get a more yellow-green color.

  9. Gordana says:

    Beautiful picture of grate soap! It seems that there is no end with trying of some new ingredients in soap 🙂 Thanks for sharing some personnel details with us!

  10. Bozu says:

    Vos savons sont magiques… En envoyez-vous en France ? Merci

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