This season’s soaps

Long time no soaps or food here, because 2022 year was such a hectic one. But I didn’t give up my hobbies, so here I am with the latest soaps made last year, hoping this would inspire you to create something #zerowaste too. A soap I haven’t made in years: aleppo soap. No, this wasn’t…

Ukrainian Borscht

Having an Ukranian mother, there is no surprise telling you that this is the soup we ate more than any other one as kids. My mom used to make this quite often, I remember having the same soup for 2-3 days with rye bread. That is what I also prepare here usually. Especially the days…

2020 Holiday Gift Guide

I don’t post often but still I didn’t want to end this year without posting some of my favorite this year which also would make a lovely present under your Xmas tree. Magic dates box – I was in heaven when I discovered this shop with so many types of dates. Before I only new…

Raw spaghetti with wild garlic pesto

This spring I challenged myself to get closer to nature and use free herbs nature has to offer instead of running to the shop and buy the stuff we want. So I made several time some soups using nettle and I tried to replace spinach more and more by nettle. When you put a little…

Carrot soup with anise seeds

It’s so interesting how this isolation can lead to some kind of meditation. We start to appeciate those things which we always took for granted: going to the libraries, to the swimming pool or even to go the market. We look at small details with much more attention. Simple ingredients become precious. Like this simple…

Christmas gift guide 2019

Since making my own soaps I have become more aware of reducing waste and supporting worker’s rights but also teaching our children to grow in a healthy and sustainable world.  That’s why this year I want to share here some of my favorite from this year which would make a lovely present for your family…

Summer Soaps

I can’t have enough of these sea salt spiruline soaps! I played taking pics of them on different handdyed fabrics, still can’t decide which one suits better the soaps green. Wishing you all a cozy lovely summer, with lots of walks in the nature and time to cherish the little pleasures!

Homemade presents

The end of a school year always represents a mix of feelings: a lot of joy knowing long summer days are around the corner, but also nostalgy for the passed year, for the teachers the girls got to know during the year. It’s not easy to say goodbye to most of them. days, but also…

Matcha Lavender Buckwheat Bars

One of the things I love about natural food and spices is their colour. And when colour gets combined with a special flavour and some great nutritious qualities, all you want is to have it more often and often. This is the case of matcha powder. I used it in soap for its beautiful colours,…

My Latest Saponins

‘Childhood has no necessary connection with age.’ , Austin O’Malley. Unrefined shea butter&calendula extract&chamomile petals soap for the child in us. And the baby soap enriched with calendula oil, shea butter and mafura butter. Both unscented. ‘Stop and Smell the Roses.’ Red&Rose clay soap. Sea salt, rose australian clay. Acai Powder Soap Kombucha Soap Jasmin Flowers&Spirulina…

Avocado-Seaweed Spread

I use to make my nut/seeds butters at home. But now and then I like to buy them (it is good to change once in a while) …Especially because some of the seeds aren’t top of my preferences. Like the pumpkin seeds… I know, they are full of magnesium and zinc and omega 3, but…

Raw Buckwheat & Chocolate Bars

If someone had told me some years ago that one day I would eat raw buckwheat groats in bars, I would not have believed it… Buckwheat, or kasha as we used to call it at home, is something we grew up with. If you have never eaten it you are definitely not born in the…

‘Chisinaul de seara’ Cake

When you miss your home country, homemade food can bring it closer! There is no moldovan who hasn’t heard of this delicious chocolate bar: Chisinau de seara! The mix of plums and chocolate is such a perfect combination that you wouldn’t be able to stop eating these chocolates. Every time my mother sends me a…

Alternative Liquid Soaps

It’s been a long time since I last made a challenge soap but when I saw that Amy is organizing a challenge concerning natural colorants, I immediately thought that this would be interesting to participate. The theme was something I love: alternative liquids. So bye-bye water and think of something different to make your soap….

Ode to clays

I am not going to start this post saying that it’s been a while since I wrote something here… instead I will tell you how good it was seeing my mother and my sister again. We spent more than a week together and we enjoyed every second of it. Now, looking back at those moments,…

Where there is love…

…there is life.   Mahatma Gandhi Soap made of: coconut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, cacao butter, shea butter, walnut shell powder, litsea cubeba essential oil, citronella essential oil.

Wish you a lovely 2015!

“In the New Year, let’s look for the good. We may have to search through a mass of negative media, but the good is there, all around us. I wish for you a New Year filled with good, engulfed in serenity and happiness!” By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Tree Soaps

  “Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall” ―Larry Wilde  

Rose Hip Powder Soap

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables


One of the positive things about blogging is getting in touch with people who have the same interests as yourself. Sini is of one of those bloggers. She has a beautiful blog, full of recipes for all kinds of products you would never think it’s possible to make them home like chlorella cleansing bars, hair…

Copa Do Mundo Soap

“Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.” 🙂

Dead Sea Mud Soap

When you make soap, you get to be more interested about remedies and ways of maintaining a healthy body and skin. One of these ways is using natural ingredients like herb/flower powders, clays and mud. If I have to choose one soap ingredient, without any doubt it would be mud. When I first tried Black…

Diva Soap

I started this new year with a beautiful gift from a very special person. She is very talented, always preoccupied by details, making gorgeous designs for her soaps, unique packagings for her lipsticks and not only…what one can see on her blog is only a part of her work and passion. Maja is beautiful and…

Sapun Natural Armonia

Mi e si rusine ca au trecut atatea luni decand am primit pachetul Lizei cu sapunele si inca nu am reusit sa scriu despre ele aici. Nu stiu cum s a intamplat: mai intai am vrut sa termin de testat samponul Ciresicai , dupa am hotarat sa trec la un alt tip de sampon, dupa…


… isn’t a season, it’s a feeling ~ Edna Ferber

Spoon Swirl

I have a new hobby: making bread using homemade wild yeast. It was not easy in the beginning, but once you taste this bread, you don’t want to go back to the bread bought in the shops, you just can’t! The taste, the hours you spent checking the yeast and the bread, all these emotions…

Défi des Bulles

I have joined another challenge ! Isabelle from ‘Elle bulle’ announced some weeks ago the beginning of a new soap challenge. I love them and I hope I can make the time for all of them. The 1st challenge was ‘inclusion soap’, using spirulina as natural color and urucum and cacao powder( insclusions). There are…

Sapunurile Adal

Le am asteptat de atata vreme… incat, atunci cand au ajuns la mine, mi a fost greu sa cred ca e adevarat… Cateva luni in urma, Ciresica mi a trimis un pachet plin de bunatati, care insa, nu a ajuns la mine. A fost prima data cand un colet nu ajunge aici ( cred ca…

Amely’s Soaps

Ador sa primesc sapunuri de la alte persoane, dar cand vine vorba de sapunurile Amaliei, parca incantarea este si mai mare. Atenta si plina de solicitudine intotdeauna, de data aceasta Amalia mi-a trimis minunatiile impachetate ( data trecuta, nu era hotarata asupra unei formule definitive a ambalajului ), lucru care parca a sporit si mai mult…

Homemade Shampoo

I know people who started making soaps first of all because they needed a good and healthy shampoo and I really admire them. In my case, I first started making soaps, and only some months later shampoos. I first used some solid shampoo made of Sodium Coco Sulfate of which I discovered later that it was a light…

Thank you, Saponine!

I have never waited so impatiently for the postman to bring me a packet as I did since I came back from my holiday…The lovely thing which I was waiting for came from the part of Catherine and Eric, the owners of Saponine . For those who are not familiar with their molds, please have a look…

Homemade Lipstick

I really liked the colour of the lipstick Marika showed us some weeks ago on her blog. I have already tried some lip balms before and I adore making and using them, but the colours were always too light. This time I wanted to go further and  try some stronger and darker colours in lipsticks. And I wanted…

Pine Tar Soap

  Pine tar is an ingredient which I was looking for so long and this because I have heard so many good things about it. Coming from Norway, pine tar has a long history in the treatment of skin diseases like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties make it useful for the cure…

Black and Rose Australian Clay Soap

Perfect and natural, clays are my favorite soap ingredients. Used to hydrate, cleanse, improve skin tones, or to restore moisture imbalances for hair care, but also to heal digestion problems, their list of benefits for our health is endless. Pink clay is very gentle, helping to clean the skin by gently drawing out the impurities…

Yellow of Combodia Soap

I had almost forgotten about this challenge but then I discovered in the shop where I use to buy my lye an ingredient which drew my attention: yellow of Cambodia (Gutta gummi), a natural colorant. The color, named after the gamboge tree, which is known for its yellow resin, is a yellow pigment which comes…

Dandelion Soap

If for some people the humble dandelion is only a garden-variety weed, for me this plant represents the spring, a green delicacy marking the end of a looong winter. Called Dandelion from French ‘dent-de-lion,” or lion’s tooth, it grows in temperate climate zones all over the world. Mostly the dandelion leaves are known to treat…

Alkanet Soap

Some months ago I discovered  a French forum where every 3-4 months we organize a challenge around a special soap technique. It’s a very nice place where we discuss about everything, not only soap. Of course, this is a good way to learn some new techniques, but what is more important: through this forum I…

Portrait Soap

Les modalités de concours: Comme vous le savez Saponine fête son tout premier anniversaire, et pour cette année d’activité nous avons déjà plus de 35 articles en boutique. Pour vous remercier de nous avoir accompagné tout au long de cette année très créative, nous vous proposons un Méga Concours !!! LE concours du savon de…

Portrait Soap

” Le grand parleur ne parle que des lèvres et le silencieux parle du cœur. ” Citation de Jacques Amyot

Sapun Zain

Pe Violeta am intalnit o pe Facebook, am vorbit cu ea ore in sir in care am descoperit ca  este o persoana modesta, cu un suflet mare, intelegatoare, mereu dispusa sa te ajute cu un sfat sau o idee, o persoana care nu te lasa indiferent si pe care automat o placi. Atat actiunile cat…

Dessine moi un savon

Le samedi de Pâques j’ai eu une grande surprise: j’ai reçu 3 savons de la part de Karine ( Dessine moi un savon). La première impression sur ses savons a été que je n’ai jamais vu des savons faits main d’une telle précision et perfection. Je les ai admirés pendant 3 jours, sans oser les…

Neem Powder Soap

This is my soap made for the month of March for the 2013 Universal Soap Challenge, for which I choosed as inspiration the country of India. I have never been to India, but this country is an atraction for me not only because of its beautiful places and culture, but also for its interesting flora….

Alkanet and Lavender…

… They suit so well together. I am still experimenting with alkanet which I found fabulous because of the amazing grey, silver, blue, rose or purple. Used as a part of my recipe by replacing regular olive oil with the infused oil, I obtained a natural purplish shade, but the more oil you substitute for…

Тонкая Mатерия

Hесколько дней назад я получила пакетик от Маши с Тонкой Материи … даже не хочется верить что я могу пробовать мыло которым я так давно любовалась. Маша одна из самых хороших мыловар в мире, ее создание очень деликатное, красивое, с душой, она просто артист. Я еще помню, когда впервые я нашла на ее блоге знаменитое…

Russian Cambrian Clay Soap

For the month of February the country I choose is Russia and the ingredient I wanted to try for some time is the blue clay coming from this country ( also known as Russian Cambrian Clay). While all clays are therapeutic, Blue Cambrian Clay occupies a special place as it it supposed to be mild…

Amely’s Soaps

Despre sapunurile Amaliei am mai vorbit prin decembrie, insa ele au fost atat de bune incat Amalia mi a mai trimis cateva acum ceva zile. Ce bucurie! Mai intai de toate Amalia este o persoana deosebita, si aceasta calitate cumva se reflecta in sapunurile ei. De o onestitate cam rara in ziua de azi, Amalia…

Jasmin Soap

Many of you have for sure already heard about this challenge organized by Lucy from Simply Radiant. The purpose is to make a soap every month based on a different country, on an ingredient representing the chosen country. The challenge can be followed on Youtube because the participants have to submit 2 videos every month:one…

Lip Balm Addiction

I am addicted to lip balm. I love it so much that I keep one in every room to be sure I have one within reach every moment. It’s so easy to make them, all you need is good and unrefined ingredients to get the maximum effect. Last time I used almond oil, but this…

Bosnia and Herzegovina

In 2009 we went to Croatia and by accident we stopped in Neum, a sea-side resort in Bosnia Herzegovina. We loved it so much that we stayed more than a week instead of the initially planned 2 days. We went back last year to discover more of this beautiful country. Back to this soap and…

Teasing Soap…

Not really the perfect photo, but has anyone any idea what am I planning to make from this soap?

Mallow Soap

…inspired by Malva Sylveris Flower, which means ‘soft’ in Greek. Mallow, called also Cheeseweed has been appreciated since Roman times for its natural medicinal properties and its ability to soothe rough and dry skin.This plant has anti-inflammatory properties, calming and caring for delicate, sensitive skin. Mallow symbolizes love for one’s native land and for one’s…

Black Sea/Ghiol Mud Soap

The Techirghiol mud is known as a therapeutic factor for over 200 years. Called also Ghiol mud or Jewel of Romania, this Sapropelic mud has extraordinary effects on human body: it clears deeply the skin minimizing wrinkles appearance, eliminates toxins , removes the fats, reduces cellulites, purifies, softens and gives colour and glamour to the…

Les Savons Voyageurs

Je viens de recevoir la boîte célèbre d’ADNS! Ce fut   un premier rêve d’avoir cette occasion d’y participier, ce fut un second rêve de la recevoir hier … j’ai été bluffée… je ne m’attendais pas la recevoir si tôt d’autant plus que sa précedente visite était également en Belgique! Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas…

Let Every Day Be Christmas

“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.”~Peg Bracken

Christmas Mood Soap

  Christmas!  The very word brings joy to our hearts.  No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given – when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and…

Soaps From The Black Sea

De cateva zile ma delectez cu sapunurile Amaliei, si ce delectare…Am primit atat de multe incat mi-a fost greu sa aleg doar cateva pentru a le posta si in special, mi-a fost foarte greu sa ma decid ce sapun sa aleg pentru a-l incerca, astfel ca am hotarat sa ma alint in fiecare zi cu…

Tears of Joy

Se spune ca in luna decembrie oamenii sunt cumva mai buni, mai darnici… ieri am avut ocazia sa traiesc un astfel de sentiment, chiar unul mai profund decat o simpla bucurie, mergand pana acolo, incat chiar mi-au dat lacrimile atunci cand am deschis cutia…cutia pandorei :). La inceput a fost surpriza…m-am gandit ca sigur e…

A Winter Message

“A flake of snow in flurry thro’ the air Had landed as a kiss upon my cheek: A secret message, just for me to share; To take to heart but never dare to speak” Mark R Slaughter Soap made of almond oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, olive…

Soaps from Romania (Natural e mai bine)

In postul anterior am mentionat ca am primit inca un pachet cu sapunuri din Romania. Aceste sapunuri le asteptam de ceva vreme, insa abia acum au ajuns la mine. Asteptarea a meritat, pentru ca sapunurile Getei sunt pur si simplu deosebite. Este a doua oara cand primesc sapunuri marca ‘Natural e mai bine’ , si…

Soaps from Romania

Weekend-ul trecut am primit doua pachetele cu sapunuri din Romania. Voi vorbi aici despre primul pachet venit din judetul Dolj, din partea unei mamici dragute, pasionata de sapunuri , si doar de sapunuri naturale. Pe Valeria am cunoscut o prin intermediul FB, si mi am dat seama imediat ca este o persoana cu care poti…

Soaps from Finland

I have been waiting quite long for these soaps and finally I received them yesterday. Marika sent me 2 beautiful soaps, which smell so well that l don’t think l’m ever going to be able to use them, because l can’t bear the thought of using all these gorgeous and carefully made soaps! The soaps are very delicate, with…

Soaps from Macedonia

Macedonia is for us, since several years, our holiday destination. I love everything about this country: sun, nature, food, people. I even made a soap to honour Macedonia 🙂 which also triggered a nice friendship with Maja from Skopje. We started exchanging emails and I was so impressed to discover in Maja a person fascinated…

CP+MP = Magma Soap

I have never tried  to make a MP soap, but when Amy  from Great Cakes Soapworks wrote on her blog about the challenge of mixing CP and MP technique, I thought it would be interesting for me to give it a try. The tutorials given by Anne –Marie and  Amy  was a great help, I…

Homemade Lip Balm

The advantages of  homemade lip balm is that it has no preservatives, petrolchemical products, artificial colours, or artificial sweeteners. All this makes the product less likely to irritate sensitive skin. Here an easy recipe for a fine, scented  lip balm made of: cacao butter 0,9 gr shea butter 0,9 gr almond oil 2,8 gr beeswax 1,2 red beet extract 0,7gr…


So many languages in the world ….and a SMILE speaks them all. .

Green Clay Soap

The golden yellow flowers of Calendula officinalis have been used as medicine for centuries. Historically, Calendula flowers have been considered beneficial in reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing, and used as an antiseptic. Calendula has been used to treat a variety of skin diseases and has been seen effective in treatment of skin ulcerations and eczema….

Ma poudre de lessive faite maison/Homemade Washing Powder

Je considère que laver les habits est aussi important que laver sa peau. C’est pour cela que la lessive doit aussi être saine et ne pas contenir de parfum de synthèse ou de colorants et de toxines. Faire sa lessive c’est avant tout un choix pour la santé de ses enfants et de sa famille….

Alegria Mediteranea

I am proud to present the soaps received from Claudia. It is a fantastic feeling to hold in my hands the soaps I have so long admired on Claudia‘s blog :). What impressed me the most about these soaps was the wrapping: Claudia puts so much love and energy in packing her soaps: beautiful colours which…

Centaurea Cyanus Soap

I must admit: lavender and tea tree are the most frequently used combination of essential oils in my soaps. I have read some months ago that this synergy gives good results in facial skin care preventing acne. The fact that I really liked the scent produced by those 2 oils was of course a plus. Lavender…

Lotion démaquillante onctueuse à la cire d’abeille et au calendula

C’est mon 3ème essai de démaquillant et pour le moment mon favori parce qu’il ne contient que des produits spéciaux pour les yeux sensibles. Composition: huile amande 50 gr( pour un soin nourrissant et apaisant pour les peaux irritées et sèches) eau de chaux 50 gr ( antiseptique, nettoyante et fongicide ) extrait de calendula…


I have finally found this natural colorant which I have been looking for so long! I have read that in soap, alkanet root will yield shades of pink, blue, and purple, depending upon the amount used, types of oil used, and the alkalinity of the soap.  Really impressed  about the fact that the type of oil would influence the colour, I started…

Soaps from Japan

Who doesn’t like to exchange soaps ? Everybody does ! Exchanging soaps with others contributes not only to discover natural products from other parts of the worlds, but also to enrich your soaping experience. Trying other soaps gives the opportunity to experience soapmaking from another perspective: it tells a lot about how good you are , how much work there…

Natural e mai bine

In sfarsit am primit zilele acestea sapunurile Getei, le am asteptat ceva timp, dar trebuie sa recunosc ca au meritat asteptarea. Geta ca si mie, este absorbita de tot ce inseamna universul acesta al sapunurilor naturale, si nu inceteaza niciodata sa l exploreze in cel mai neobisnuit chip, asa cum, de altfel, se poate vedea…


This soap brings back nice memories of our last years trip to Macedonia. Sun, good food and the beautiful Ohrid lake. One of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, sunflower oil, and cassia essential oil to scent the colourful memories about a country which could…

Lavender & Tea Tree Soap

Lavender and tea-tree soap made of goatmilk and buttermilk, palm oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, cocoa butter, castor oil, grapeseed oil. The colour is the result of the rose ochre and Indigofera Suffruticosa Extract( Indigo). I really like this purple ontained naturally.

Spirulina Soap

Faire des savons c’est découvrir des produits naturels que je ne connaissais pas jusqu’à présent. La spiruline en est un exemple. Un antioxydant très puissant,  elle est connue pour retarder le vieillissement, lutter contre la fatigue, le stress, la perte de mémoire. Elle est une source exceptionnelle en vitamine B12 et en bêta-carotène. Elle contient…

Cocos Nucifera 100%

Knowing that coconut oil has the best washing properties, I made a laundry soap consisting of 100% this oil. I was thinking of taking this on holiday and I would also like to use this soap as a base for my laundry washing lotion( replacing the Marseille flakes). For this purpose I will have to…

Shampooing Green Love

Depuis que j’ai vu ‘Sodium Lauryl Sulfate‘ (produit irritant) sur la liste des produits du shampooing  que j’ai acheté , j’ai  toujours été  à la recherche d’un shampooing fait maison.  Il y a 3 mois, j’ai déjà fait un shampooing liquide pour mes filles,  mais je voulais aussi avoir un shampooing barre pour  l’utiliser pendant les vacances et pour varier les…

Green & white clay soap

This is one of my favourite soaps as it contains besides vegetable oils ( coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, grapeseeds oil, safflower oil) green and white clay. I have already used once green clay in soap and I was really impressed by the benefits of this natural ingredient. White clay is known as the…

Lait visage démaquillant

Une recette simple à réaliser pour un résultat bluffant : un lait stable, doux, au parfum de rose. Ce lait démaquillant a  l’hydrolat de rose et fait à froid s’utilise pour le visage et se rince à l’aide d’un hydrolat. Ne contenant pas d’huile essentielle et enrichi en huile de pépins de raisin, ce lait démaquillant…

Faux funnel swirl

As I have never tried this technique before, I was really excited about it. I have watched some videos about this and according to me, the more colours you use, the nicer the result. Initially I was thinking about using carrotjuice with red clay and cacao but these would have accelerated the trace. So I…

Crème jeune fille

  D’une texture légère, ne laissant aucun film gras, cette crème est d’une senteur fleurie et est délicate pour la peau grâce à l’hydrolat jasmin. Composition: huile amande douce (apaisante et adoucissante ), hydrolat jasmin (tonique cutané), hydrolat camomille (régénérateur, apaisant et purifiant de l’épiderme), olivem 1000( émulsifiant à l’effet émollient et hydratant), conservat cosgard,…

Primer intercambio internacional de jabón

He tenido una gran alegría al recibir un paquete procedente de Espana de Olivia, mi amiga internacional en este intercambio de jabones que organizó Julia de Soap Artists Olivia me ha enviado tres jabones con una presentación joven y elegante: Suave Exfoliante de carbon, Tierra y mar, Capote torero y miel de Espana artesana y…

From ‘Little Paris’… with love…

N am mai incercat niciodata pana acum un alt sapun natural decat cele facute de asta nu pentru ca cele facute de mine sunt bune ( he he 😉 ) ci pentru ca n am avut ocazia pana ieri cand, am avut surpiza de a incerca doua dintre sapunurile Alexandrei . Cum adica care…


Ik had al lang in mijn gedachten een zeep in domino-vorm, enkel was ik niet zeker welke kleuren te kiezen, aangezien ik een natuurlijke zeep wilde hebben. Eerst dacht ik aan rode klei en wortelsap kleur, maar die 2 componenten heb ik al  zo vaak gebruikt J . Toen ik een mooie  zeep met groene…

In The Pot Swirl

Ik heb mij geamuseerd om swirl met de lepel te maken. De wortelsap in plaats van water is mijn favourite ingredient. Die geeft een mooie gele kleur die heel lang houdt. De wortels bevatten verschillende vitaminen (A, B, C si E) en mineralen (kalium, ijzer, zink, sodium, chloor en jodium). Ze zijn rijk in anti-oxidante…

Savon doux pour bébé

J’ai fait un savon pour la peau délicate et sensible de bébé. Sa composition: l’huile de ricin, de cocos, d’olive, de colza, l’huile de palme, macérat huileux de camomille et de la camomille séche. Sans huiles essentielles. La camomille allemande est connue pour ses aptitudes anti-inflammatoires exceptionnelles. C’est un allié très efficace pour la lutte…

Verbena officinalis

Ik had al 2 weken geen zeep gemaakt en dat voelde raar. Maar ik had in gedachten een zeep zoals verbena( verveine) en ik wachtte op mijn bestelling( met EOs en Hydrolats). Deze zeep heb ik gemaakt voor een speciaal iemand, ik hoop nu dat ze de zeep ook goed vindt. In plaats van water/melk heb…

Stick à lèvres/balsam de buze

 J’ai été tellement contente de mon déodorant que je ne pouvais pas m’arrêter en si bon chemin. J’utilise beaucoup les sticks à lèvres, je ne pourrais pas vivre sans. A un moment donné, j’avais plusieurs marques à la maison: Yves Rocher, Nivea, DM, Vasiline , Neutrogena mais depuis 2 ans je n’utilise que le Caudalie…

Primul meu premiu :)

    Ce bucurie pe capul meu 😉 . Alexandra  ( ) mi a facut o mare placere oferindu mi un premiu. Iti multumesc draga Alexandra :).  In ce consta acest premiu virtual?  Premiul  se ofera blogurilor care au mai putin de 200 de persoane inscrise la rubrica “Persoane Interesate”. Deci : “Liebster Blog Award” urmărește promovarea blogurilor cu mai putin de…


Sunt cea mai fericita: ieri seara mi-am facut timp, printre fugareala de pregatire pentru o noua saptamana, de un deo. De fapt am facut doua pentru ca oala mea era cam maricica si am zis ca daca fac doar unul, nu prea am ce amesteca :). Am inceput cu sotul, am zis ca merita si…

Menta si argila neagra

Am vrut sa fac un sapun de ziua barbatilor cu argila neagra, turmeric, lapte de capra si mult ulei de menta si arbore de ceai. Rezultatul:


Sunt dependenta de argile. Imi plac atat de mult incat le folosesc mai mult decat recomandat. Studenta fiind, mi-aduc aminte ca o colega folosea argila intern. Mie insa, mi au trebuit cativa ani buni ca sa descopar beneficiile argilei luate intern. Cu aceste argile am facut , putin, ocolul Europei: argila albastra si aia roz…

Groene klei

Groene klei is tot dusver mijn favoriet. Over groene klei is er heel veel te vertellen. Het schijnt dat de samenstelling van de deze klei  lijkt op die van de mens : zij  bevat verschillende mineralen( calcium,magnesium, silicium, ijzer, kalium ) en daarom is ze zo goed in het afvoeren van de toxische stoffen uit het bloed…

Swirl si urzica

Tot mi era gandul la un swirl de ceva vreme, as fi vrut sa incerc o mie de combinatii, dar am zis sa o iau slowly 🙂 . Nu e chiar ce vroiam, insa fiind prima incercare… L-am parfumat cu o combinatie de uleiuri esentiale pe care am gasit-o in cartea mea preferata , combinatie…

Paarse klei

Ik was heel blij toen ik mijn paarse klei gekocht heb, maar niet zo blij toen ik  het resultaat zag: de paarse kleur is , helaas, bruin geworden :(. Het idee was om iets moois voor Valentijn te maken, maar het is meer iets voor Nationale Feestdag van Belgie geworden. Dat is het interessante deel van het…

Red Clay Soap

Recunosc ca acest sapun trebuia sa mai astepte ceva pana sa-l tai, insa nu am avut rabdare, cum era prima data cand incercasem argila rosie, si mai ales insertiile de culori deasupra sapunului. Invat in fiecare zi, si sincer imi place ce a iesit. Imi era cumva teama sa nu fie prea multe culori insa…

Nog Hello Kitty

Ik was zo content van mijn eerste wortelzeep met toegevoegde HE ylang-ylang, kaneel, sinaasappel en vuilboom  dat ik er gisteren nog een gemaakt heb .  Ik heb niks veranderd aan mijn recept, en ik  heb er op het einde gedroogde hibiscus toegevoegd. De geur vind ik ok, het ruikt helemaal niet naar zeep maar naar een…

Hello Kitty

Tot mi -era gandul la un mozaik si am tot asteptat uleiurile esentiale , insa ieri seara mi au ajuns si am si incercat o noua combunatie: lavanda-tea tree, stiind ca aceasta combinatie este foarte buna pentru problemele pielii.  Mirosul imi place enorm,  iar la ‘trace’ l- am imbogatit cu ulei de argan.

Cu semanatu’

Si pentru ca la noi e asa obiceiul ca de anul nou se ‘umbla cu semanatu’ am zis ca trebuie neaparat sa fac ceva frumos. Cu aceasta ocazie mi-am dat seama ca am un aparat de 2 bani si anul asta, unul dintre obiectivele mele e sa mi iau alt aparat . De data asta…

Sapun de an nou :)

Pentru ca nu iesisem nicaieri in seara de anul nou si pentru ca nu era nimic interesant la tv, am hotarat in seara anului nou sa fac un sapun:). Si nu un sapun oarecare, ci ceva de genul ‘swirl’. Am fost curioasa sa vad ce iese si ziua de 1 ianuarie ampetrecut-o mai mult uitandu-ma…

Lavande 21.12.2011

Qui n’aime pas la lavande? J’ai essayé des savons à  base de lavande, je n’ai pas été très contente du mélange de la couleur. J’ai utilisé du colorant alimentaire en attandant ma commande de l’argile bleue mais je n’ai pas bien mélangé la couleur. Toutefois, l’odeur est superbe et  ça persiste même après 3 semaines….

Sinaasappel zeep 14.12.2011

Ik heb, tot nu toe, maar enkele zepen gemaakt, maar ik kan wel zeggen dat mijn favoriete zeep degene is die gemaakt is van wortelsap .In vergelijking met de allereerste zepen, heb ik de formule een beetje veranderd om een minder harde en meer hydratante zeep te bekomen. Deze keer heb ik wat hibiscus thee…