Matcha Lavender Buckwheat Bars

One of the things I love about natural food and spices is their colour. And when colour gets combined with a special flavour and some great nutritious qualities, all you want is to have it more often and often. This is the case of matcha powder. I used it in soap for its beautiful colours, in shakes for its nutrients, but never made chocolate of it. Until several weeks ago, when I wanted to try matcha and lavender in chocolate. I really fell in love with its taste, flavour, colours. It’s that kind of chocolate for which you need to take the time to enjoy, slowly! My purpose was to use this chocolate on homemade bars, and the result was really good.

Perfumed and so pretty coloured, the little lavender buds contain not only healing properties, but are also old remedies for bloating and digestive issues. And together with matcha, they form a pair of beauty and good taste.
I wanted to keep in this recipe buckwheat as the main ingredient, but also wanted to add some freshness from home puffed amaranth. In case you never tried making them at home, I really recommend you this, as it’s so easy and its value is of course higher than when using amaranth from the shop.

I was so amazed to see that my girls loved these bars, as matcha and lavender give a specific taste. But they enjoyed it and even wanted to know more about this greeny chocolate which appeared for the first time on their plate.
Ingredients for the bars:
10 dates
3-4TbSp peanut butter(-/+ 80 gr)
3-4TbSp tahini( -/+ 80gr)
1/2 cup water(140 gr or less, depending on how dry your dates are)
2-3 coconut oil

1,5 cups raw sprouted buckwheat groats
1 cup puffed amaranth
2 TbSps sesame seeds

Mix the dates, the water, the peanut butter, the tahini and the coconut oil using a blender until you get a cream. Pour it into a bowl and add the buckwheat, the amaranth and the sesame seeds. Mix well! Transfer the mixture to a lined pan then use a rubber spatula or damp finger tips to firmly press the mixture into the pan. Put it in the fridge the time you prepare the matcha chocolate.

Lavender-matcha Chocolate
50gr cocoa butter
40gr coconut butter
25gr sunflower butter
15gr raw agave syrup
1-2tsp matcha powder
1TbSp lavender buds

To make the matcha chocolate:

In a bain-marie, melt down the cacao butter. When melted and still lukewarm, pour it into a blender, add the rest of the ingredients and mix it for some seconds. Pour it over the bars and drizzle the lavender buds over.

Put it in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours. Cut it in bars or as desired.


14 Comments Add yours

  1. Geta says:

    Arata deosebit de bine, e foarte apetisant !

  2. I love this so much, Natalia! Like I said on IG, I love chocolate & lavender, but never tried that combo with matcha. They look so pretty! And yes, I’m super surprised your girls liked it because it’s more of an adult flavor I find, but then again just shows they have good taste 😉

  3. Monica says:

    Those are not only gorgeous to look at Nat, they also sound delicious!

  4. soapjam says:

    Looks and sounds great! 🙂

  5. nadiashealthykitchen says:

    They look gorgeous! Love the colours 🙂 Never tried using lavender in recipes before, but must give it a go after seeing this 🙂

    1. Natalia says:

      Lavender in food is great, just try it, Nadia!

  6. Kate says:

    I would never have thought to use this combination of ingredients but it sounds really lovely! xx

  7. julicu says:

    Esti minunata, Natalia! 🙂 pupici

  8. Julie says:

    Wow these look absolutely amazing Natalia! Love your vegan dessert creations ❤

  9. thefolia says:

    Sounds and looks like a great combination….happy feaating.

  10. They are so so beautiful, Natalia! Cannot wait to try these beauties, too. YUM!

    1. Natalia says:

      🙂 Thanks for visitiing me, Sam!

  11. These look really lovely and so fem! a really pretty treat indeed. Lavendar and Matcha is def a new flavor combo but if you girls liked em I am sure I would to. xo

  12. Evi says:

    These look so pretty, Natalia! I love the combo of matcha and lavender!

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