Thank you, Saponine!

Saponine MoldI have never waited so impatiently for the postman to bring me a packet as I did since I came back from my holiday…The lovely thing which I was waiting for came from the part of Catherine and Eric, the owners of Saponine .

For those who are not familiar with their molds, please have a look on their site : you will be overwhelmed by their professionalism in the field of making molds for soap and for kitchen.DSC03579The mold I choosed was a Coprah one, ideal for making 8-10 soaps  (1008ml), accompanied by 4 dividers for Plûme soap ( which means you can use 5 diferent colours to make your hanger swirled soap ! ). I was speachless in front of this perfection: I had to say goodbuy to all my invented dividers and hello to a mold I have so long dreamed of…

I wish I could have the words to thank Saponine for their creativity and their idea of making these beautiful molds. I have admired others soapers ( Swanee , Lucie , etc) telling about how good and different from other molds these molds are, but receiving and trying this mold make you realize that these molds are the best. It’s so easy to use them, forget about these lining papers and spend more time thinking how the soap should look like 🙂

DSC03586What we most appreciate about Saponine molds is the eco transparent material they use (the plexiglass) which is very practical, durable and gives a very high visibility from all sides( for the curious ones).

 Besides from making those gorgeous molds, Catherine and Eric are lovely people, very generous and always willing to help you. I had some questions about their molds and they were so kind to explain and to answer all my questions.

I wanted to make my 1st Saponine soap with roses to show my gratefulness to Saponine.

Soap made of: coconut oil, palm oil, sesame oil, olive oil, cacao butter, alkanet, Australian pink clay, yellow ochre, lavender essential oil, geranium essential oil.

22 Comments Add yours

  1. Maja says:

    It’s so tope,Nat! I just sneaked on their moulds,they look fantastic. Unfortunately,they will stay living in my dreams for a while!
    Alkanet seems so blue in this soap,right? It’s gorgeous,as always!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Yes, Maja, using this mold the purple of alkanet turns into blue, I am really content!

  2. Gordana says:

    Perfect combination of natural colorants and really nice swirls! I am really glad that you are so happy with new mold!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thanks Gordana! I can’t believe it’s mine 🙂

  3. The rosebuds on the top are the perfect touch!

  4. cannella says:

    A wonderful mold for a wonderful soap ! 🙂

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci, Cannella, pour ton commentaire!

  5. Cee says:

    Such a pretty and delicate soap, I love the colors and the little rosebuds on top! Their molds look like they are really good quality and I love that they are see-through! How exciting, so many possibilities with this new soap mold, have fun Nat! =)

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thanks Cee! Can’t wait to try to make a swirled soap 😉

  6. Very neat looking mold and your soaps are absolutely gorgeous! The dried roses are such a wonderful touch.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thank you, Monica!

  7. Geta says:

    Matrita de la Saponine este atit de eleganta, am vazut mai demult pe situl lor, si sapunul ti-a iesit minunat .

  8. Jenny says:

    Wow, what a cool mold, Natalia! And your soaps are so pretty – I love the rosebuds!

  9. Colchique says:

    Natalia, magnifiques savons faits dans un moule super.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci Colchique 😉

  10. Ksenija says:

    This is the mold from my dreams! Cannot wait to see more soapy creations!

  11. Vicki says:

    Oh my word what an amazing mold! And what a pretty soap – love the roses on the top.

  12. Jazz says:

    Très joli moule et très joli savon, Natalia !
    Je l’ai déjà dit à Saponine et d’autres personnes qui reprennent ce nom, mais la technique ne s’appelle pas du tout Plume. Plume c’est le nom que j’ai donné à un savon fait avec cette technique il y a plusieurs années. En Allemagne, elle est appelée Taiwan Swirl, ce qui est beaucoup plus logique. J’aime bien le préciser par respect pour celui qui a inventé la technique.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci Jazz, pour tes explications!

  13. Swanee says:

    Hello, j’adore la touche fleuri en topping de tes savons.
    Une autre addict à Saponine : Yeah.
    J’ai transformé mes moules en bois en porte-chutes de savon.
    L’accessoire Plume permet autre le taiwan swirl mais d’autres techniques aussi : le mantra swirl par exemple, et les variantes autour du mantra avec un cintre, une baguette..

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci Swanee!

  14. Kim scott says:

    How can I buy one its not in English can someone help me please

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