Dandelion Soap

If for some people the humble dandelion is only a garden-variety weed, for me this plant represents the spring, a green delicacy marking the end of a looong winter.Sapun cu papadie

Called Dandelion from French ‘dent-de-lion,” or lion’s tooth, it grows in temperate climate zones all over the world. Mostly the dandelion leaves are known to treat conditions affecting the liver but its composition makes from it a healthier plant than that, being rich in vitamin A, C, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It is a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even vitamin D. Dandelion contains protein too, more than spinach. It has been eaten for thousands of years and used to treat anemia, scurvy, skin problems, blood disorders, and depression.

Savon au pissenlitSoap made of coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, sesame oil,  St. John’s Wort oil (Hypericum perforatum) infused in Corn oil, dandelion tea, green mandarin essential oil, lemon essential oil.Taraxacum officinale

23 Comments Add yours

  1. Marga says:

    Wat een heerlijke zeep zal dat zijn. Ik heb de sulpur cream geprobeerd en het is gelukt. Eerst enkele weken laten drogen daarna met de vijzel vermalen, werd een soort van kleipoeder. Fijn weekend en gr.

  2. Maja says:

    Hey Nat, you really should make a review of all your herbal soap,after having them tested. There is a herbal treasury around us and I’m sure those tinies give some of their properies to soap.
    Right now,I’m in a search for a herb that is similar to St.John’s Wort,but it’s said to be much powerful!
    Great soap cubes,I like the shape and the stamp is lovely. Will the scent hold on?

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thanks Maja! You know, this St. John’s Wort comes from Ohrid 🙂
      I have already made a soap with these 2 EOs and I really liked the scent.. and it did hold several months.

  3. Geta says:

    Arata tare bine sapunelul si-mi place ca ai folosit plante naturale.
    Draga Natalia, iti doresc multa sanatate si Sarbatori fericite alaturi de cei dragi, te pup !

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Multumesc Geta si Paste fericit! Te pup!

  4. Marika says:

    I´m so waiting for dandelions starting to bloom, but the leaves are still just a few centimeters. I also have to try to make tea from the flowers. Last summer I infused the dandelion flowers in oil and I got a very beautiful yellow color.
    It was nice to get to know that dandelion means lions tooth. It is funny how the names vary in different languages. In Finnish dandelion is voikukka= butter flower and in Swedish maskros= worm rose 🙂

    1. Marika says:

      I was so exited about those beautiful yellow flowers that I forgot to tell you that the soap looks smooth and creamy and the stamp suits it very well.

    2. mijnzeep1 says:

      Very interesting, Marika!
      I make my dandelion infused oil too, letting it infusing for months.

  5. Kalla says:

    I like the stamping you did on the soaps..so pretty! And I appreciate the info on the dandelion…I never knew. To me, it’s always been a pesky weed! How do you make “dandelion tea”?

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thanks Kalla! I make the tea infusing the plant in water and let it boil.

      1. Kalla says:

        Thanks! I might try this sometime 🙂

  6. cannella says:

    J’aime beaucoup son style épuré et tout ce qu’il contient dedans !
    Bon dimanche !

  7. masharazner says:

    Приятное мыло. И одуванчики! У нас всё еще холодно, только – только мать-мачеха дружно расцвела. Кажется весна так и не разойдётся по-настоящему, и с теплом уже будет лето.

  8. The soap and your photography are just beautiful! I intend to try making dandelion infused soap every spring, so thank you for the reminder!

  9. Gordana says:

    I am surrounded by dandelions but never thought that about them as soapmaking ingredients. Thanks for the idea! Soaps turned out beautiful and stamps are really gorgeous.

  10. christèle says:

    J’adore ce savon et j’adore l’idée!!! c’est dingue ce qu’on peut faire avec des pissenlits finalement.
    J’ai découvert un grand nombre d’utilisations insoupçonnées avec les “dandelions” dans un article déniché hier sur Pinterest et aujourd’hui je tombe sur ton savon ^^ Un signe?
    va vraiment falloir que je parte à la cueillette ^^

  11. Jenny says:

    Beautiful soap, Natalia! I love your soap stamp!

  12. vert.citron says:

    desolée j’suis pas tres bonne in english… en fait tu l’as fais avec une infusion de fleurs de pissenlit? si oui, c’est une chouette idée ca!! d’ailleurs, ca me dit qu’il faudra que je teste un jour la confiture de pissenlit!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Oui, Mélanie! Wow, je suis curieuse de tester la confiture de pissenlit , même si j’ai déjà entendu parler de la salate de pissenlit 🙂

  13. Très beau savon, et ton tampon est superbe!

  14. Vickie says:

    This is a beautiful soap. I especially like the stamp on it!

  15. Cee says:

    You made me appreciate the humble dandelion so much more after reading your post Nat, lovely soap!~

  16. I didn’t know that was the meaning of dandelion, it’s fun to learn new things all the time. Your soap is beautiful and I love the stamping you did on it.

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