Kvas/Kvass Soap

selling kvas on streetsIf you are born in one of the former Soviet states, you have certainly at least once drunk some kvas. Sweet, with a taste like a natural cola, kvas represents a major part of Russian culture. It is especially popular in Russia and Ukraine, but also well known in other countries where there is Russian influence. So rich in vitamin B, kvas seems to be good for digestion and detox but we know it especially as the most efficient drink for refreshing during a hot summer day. The most beautiful memory about kvas I have is being sold on streets in yellow portable metal barrels which resemble miniature tanker trailers and people stopping and drinking it. Today this habit so associated with soviet times, is less popular in my country of origin, Moldova. But I do remember during our last visit in Kiev that the 1st thing I wanted to was to get to drink some kvas. Sadly, the taste was different from the one I grew up with…but I was so happy to have found it! I bought some for home too, and of course I made a soap of it.Kvas Soap

For those curious how can you make home your own kvas, you can find an easy recipe here.

Soap made of: kvas, coconut oil, olive oil, cacao butter, sunflower oil, patchouli essential oil, lavender essential oil, basil seeds.

25 Comments Add yours

  1. Lovely soap and very interesting to learn about kvas (I am not familiar with it). I wonder how does the sugar affect the lather?

  2. soapjam says:

    I’ve never heard of kvas. I enjoy learning what’s traditional in a country, although sometimes these traditions get less popular with development. I’m glad you found some kvas and even made it into soap. 🙂

  3. DivaSoap says:

    Hey, you drink kvass? We didn’t have it back then, but now we do. Our culture, despite of being socialistic oriented, inclined more to pop and western culture. You see, then, it was like normal to drink healthy beverages, nowadays, we need commercials to remind us what is healthy. I still haven’t drunk it, but I see it here and there, and now , knowing that you love it, I will.
    It should be very beer-like, but without alcohol.
    The soap is soooo pretty, I love this natural colour! Do you know that I was wondering how I could achieve it!!? And I like white tops, that’s ZnO, right?
    I’m curious to know if kvass will bring a new quality to the soap, considering how rich it is in vitamins.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Very interesting that I didn’t find it in Macedonia. Can you find it in Serbia too?
      It’s very sweet, I wouldn’t say it’s like beer as normally children love it. I like this caramel color too, Maja. What you see on the top of the soap id, of course, lye…but I added some dried coconut flakes too. The soap has an interesting lather, it does remind me of a beer soap.

      1. DivaSoap says:

        Actually, I was thinking of Serbia. I don’t know either whether it can be found here. Hey, the holiday season starts soon, are you coming over???? (yes,yes,yes)
        Wonderful tops!

  4. Signe says:

    Beautiful soaps, as usually! Kvas sounds interesting, must keep my eyes open next time I go to Russia, if I could find any from there.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      You will find it very easy, Signe, it’s everwhere to buy.

  5. Monica says:

    What a gorgeous soap Nat, and what an interesting ingredient to use in it. I’ve never heard of Kvas, and I don’t think my husband has either, despite his Russian background (too many generations away from the motherland). Did you do something different for the top to make it white?

    Thanks for the link to the kvas recipe, it definitely sounds like something worth trying.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      I didn’t know your husband has Russian background, but if he doesn, he should know it( ask him). I add some dried coconut, Monica.

  6. Cee says:

    That is SO interesting Nat! I love learning about these different foods….a drink that you can make from toast?! So cool! And of course the soap is gorgeous, is that natural soda ash on top? It’s so pretty!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thank you,Cee, sometimes it’s nice to see some ash op top, isn’t it?

  7. Infusions says:

    I have heard the name but have never drunk kvas. It sounds good and I guess the soap feels great on the skin. I wonder if the lather is rich and fluffy… My imagination goes wild when it comes to soap made with vitamin- and enzime-rich ingredients.

  8. Geta says:

    Natalia, ce ai baut tu in copilarie in Republica Moldova cred ca era o reteta de Braga asemanatoare cu cea din RO. de aceea gustul Kvas-ului din Kiev a fost diferit. Sapunul a iesit frumos, sa ne spui cum se comporta la spalat. In vara asta vreau sa fac braga, imi e o pofta nebuna sa beau si poate torn si un sapun. Pupici !

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Uite ca aflat ceva interesant astazi: e prima data cand aud de ‘braga’ si ma bucur sa i dau de termenul romanesc( noi tot kvas ii zicem la noi). Daca faci, sa ne impartasesti reteta, ca si eu ma gandecs sa incerc sa faca acasa kvas/raga.
      Un we minunat, Geta!

  9. Ella Sandu says:

    Am incercat odata kvas cand eram in facultate si stateam in camin studentesc si avem vecini de palier multi cetateni moldoveni care mi-au devenit intre timp dragi prieteni in mare parte 🙂 Bineinteles ca pe vremea aceea nu stiam ca ii zice kvas, am aflat la mult timp dupa, mie mi s-a parut ca avea un gust usor de bere ultra-nefiltrata, si am ramas si acum cu impresia asta. Dar era bun, mai ales alaturi de cateva zefire bucuria, care mi-au placut si mai mult 🙂 Sapunelele arata minunat, iar la ce ingrediente contin aproape ca-ti vine sa le mananci! Un weekend insorit iti doresc draga Natalia! 🙂

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Ma bucur ca ai avut ocazia sa gusti din el. Zefire nu cred ca as mai manca dar ador tot ce face Bucuria si multe din dulciurile pe care le fac in prezent au ca inspiratie bomboanele marca Bucuria! Iti multumesc si un we minunat iti doresc si tie, Gabriela!

      1. julicuiulia says:

        Chiar ma gandeam ce e Kvass pana am citit comentariile:) Nu stiam ca asa se zice la braga! In Moldova de dincoace de Prut se gaseste rar, dar cu prima ocazie cand gasesc stiu ce fac cu ea 🙂 Sapunul arata super, imi place mult culoarea si decorarea cu seminte … e susan negru? Fainosaguri la tine pe blog, ca de obicei! 🙂

  10. Lovely! Arata ca o prajiturica 🙂 Nu stiam de Kvas, dar mi-ai facut pofta :))

  11. Marika says:

    You are so innovative! i Have neither heard of kvas, but it reminds me of “sima” that we make for the first of May. Sima is a kind of mead that is made in a similar way, but without the bread. I have to say that the soda ash makes the soap perfect and the seeds really pop.

  12. Jenny says:

    I had never heard of kvas, but it sounds good! I enjoyed hearing about your memories and learning more about it. That is a beautiful kvas soap, too!

  13. Colchique says:

    Natalia, merci beaucoup pour la recette du kvas. Le kvas on dirait un peu de la bière.

    Tes savons sont très réussis ! Bravo !

  14. Gordana says:

    Nat, your natural soap creations always amaze me! This white top and basil seeds provide special effect and turn this plain soap into really gorgeous creation! Bravo!

  15. Signe says:

    I finally bought some bottles of kvas today, but I haven’t tasted it yet. 🙂

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