

I am born in Moldova and nowadays I live in Brussels, Belgium. Working in a bank during the day, but at home dedicated to cooking and crafting. I am passionate about ‘homemade’, especially natural soaps and creating healthy, sugar-free treats and vegan food.  I strongly believe a healthy family starts in the kitchen, and that nothing is more rewarding than healthy eating.

I started this blog as a diary for my soaps. Lately it became also the place where I shared my homemade recipes, trying to focus on sugar-free treats. My passion is to create something different in the kitchen, gathering my girls around me during the cooking or the photographing.

I have been practicing the art of ceramics, a hobby which goes so well together with creating and picturing meals.



10 Comments Add yours

  1. Sonya says:

    Hi Mijn,
    Your soaps are lovely! 🙂 Just wondering if you could let me know how much spirulina powder you use to color soap.

  2. Véronique says:

    Très joli blog, Natalia. Encore merci pour tes savons. Ils sentent merveilleusement bon ! Je n’arrête pas de les renifler ! J’ai hâte de les utiliser. J’ai vu que tu fabriquais des produits gommant pour le corps. Ca m’intéresse…que peux-tu me proposer pour une peau sensible ? A bientôt

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci Véro de ta visite! Concernant les produits gommants, on en parlera après tes vacances ,ok? Bonnes vacances!

  3. melanietoulouse says:

    Bonsoir mijnzeep1! J’ai atterri ici par hasard, “al bisto del nas”(en occitan!), mais le hasard fait tjs bien les choses… 🙂 J’adore les savons et toutes les variétés présentées ici sont intéressantes, “classy”, uniques… En ce qui me concerne, les savons japonais m’ont conquise depuis des années… 🙂 J’ai quand même un faible pour le savon de Marseille à la lavande… 🙂
    – – –
    Votre blog est joli et parfumé… Amitiés toulousaines et bonne continuation! 🙂

  4. soapjam says:

    I love the way you experiment with different additives in your soap. What are your 3 favorites? 🙂

  5. Karolina says:

    Moi aussi j’adore votre blog 🙂

  6. mamaziller says:

    Hi I live in the Netherlands (schiedam) and also make soaps.. maybe we can work together.. would love to speak more to you.

  7. Thank you so much for always leaving sweet comments on my instagram page. I really appreciate it. It’s lovely to know a tiny bit more about you :).
    Take care

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