Raw ‘Nuts’ Bars

NutsI promised myself to make and eat less cookies and cakes this year, but God…. it’s too difficult to resist! Luckily I made these bars when we had some visitors …it made me feel less guilty 🙂
One of my favourite childhood bars are ”Nuts”. I loved them from the their advertisement which promised it contains many big nuts …From what I remember this bar was really too sweet and I always wished it contained more nuts … Here is my version: with lots of nuts and much more healthy.
For the nougat:
1,5 cup almonds (peeled)
2 Tsp honey/agave etc
pinch of salt
1-2 TbSp water
For the caramel:
6-7 pitted Medjool dates
4 TbSp water
1 TbSp almond butter
1 TbSp peanut butter (for alergy free version, 2 TbSp almond butter)
pinch of salt
For the nuts layer:
~1 cup of nuts
Chocolate ganache:
50 gr bio dark chocolate

To make the nougat:
1. Process the almonds in a mixer until finely chopped. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until the composition starts to hold together when squeezed.
2. Press the mixture into the bottom of a mold lined with parchment paper.
3. Place the composition for some min( 15 min) in the freezer, while you are preparing the caramel.

To make the caramel filling:
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor and mix until everything is homogenous.
2. Take your composition out of the freezer and cut it in small bars(8cm x 2cm).
3. Cover the nougat filling with the nuts.
4. Pour the caramel over the nuts, smoothing out and then place it in the freezer for some mins.

For the chocolate ganache:
1. Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie.
2. Allow the ganache to cool slightly and then pour it over the bars, starting at the center of the bar and work outward.
As unit of measure, use a cup of 220 ml.

Recipe submitted to Wellness weekend.
Nuts version crueJe m’étais promis cette année de faire et surtout de manger moins de gâteaux et de sucreries, mais …c’est trop difficile de m’y tenir. Heureusement, j’ai fait ces chocolats lorsque l’ on a reçu de la visite, ce qui m’a permis de moins culpabiliser. ‘Nuts’ fait partie de mes chocolats d’enfance préférés. Je les ai aimés au travers des publicités qui annonçaient un goût riche en noisettes, mais selon mes souvenirs, cette barre était trop sucrée et elle ne contenait pas assez de noisettes à mon goût.
Voilà ma version avec beaucoup plus de noisettes et beaucoup plus saine.

Pour le nougat:
1,5 verre d’amandes blanchies
2 CàS du miel/agave
1 pincée de sel
2 CàS d’eau
Pour la couche de caramel:
6-7 dattes Medjool dénoyautées
4 CàS d’eau
1 CàS de beurre d’amandes
1 CàS beurre de cacahuète(bio) ( pour une version sans allergènes : 2 CàS de beurre d’amandes)
1 pincée de sel
Pour la couche de noisette:
~1 verre de noisettes
Pour la ganache au chocolat:
50 gr de chocolat bio(noir)


Pour le nougat :
1. Dans un robot culinaire réduire les amandes en purée homogène. Ajouter les autres ingrédients et mixer jusqu’à ce que le mélange devienne uniforme.
2. Etaler le nougat sur du papier sulfurisé en une couche de ~1cm.
3. Réserver au réfrigérateur pour ~15 min, pendant que l’on prépare le caramel.

Pour la couche de caramel:
1. Dans le robot culinaire, mélanger tous les ingrédients jusqu’à ce que la composition devienne uniforme et lisse.
2. Retirer le nougat du réfrigérateur et couper le en petits barres(8cm x 2cm).
3. Couvrir bien chaque barre de noisettes.
4. Couvrir les noisettes d’une couche de caramel et réserver au réfrigérateur pour quelques minutes.

Pour la ganache au chocolat:
1. Faire fondre le chocolat au bain-marie.
2. Laisser tiédir le chocolat et puis couvrir les barres de chocolat.
Utilisez une tasse de 220ml de contenance comme unité de mesure.
Avec cette recette, je participe au concours organisé par La cuisine de Jenny .concours1

26 Comments Add yours

  1. Wow, that looks sooo good! Though I’ve made chocolate candy I’ve not tried making a candy bar before and this recipe sounds simple enough.. Would make a great Valentine’s treat!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Can’t wait to hear your feedback.

  2. soapjam says:

    It looks just like a store-bought chocolate bar, but of course, a nuttier and healthier one! I also feel that one can never have too much nuts. 🙂

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      I am glad I am not the only nuts fan here 🙂

  3. Just pure pleasure! 🙂

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Merci, draga mea!

  4. Marika says:

    Do you know Natalia, you are making you fellow soap makers fat 😉 🙂 At least I want to make a raw chocolate bar. I have never seen this kind of bar but it looks a lot like a Snickers bar but with different nuts.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      I know they look like Snickers, but they are different, Marika! But yes, delicious and addictive, beter not to make them 😉

  5. Oh, this looks AMAZINGLY good! I love raw “sweets”–they satisfy the sweet cravings but they’re also good for you. (And I don’t feel sick afterwards!) Thanks for sharing.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Thank you, Amy!

  6. Ella Cado says:

    Wow! Arata delicios! La gust cred ca sunt inegalabile. Felicitari!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Multumesc mult!

  7. Monica says:

    That sounds amazing Nat. Simple yet tasty. I love all your recipes but I often think, wow I don’t have her dedication to make that with all the different steps, but this one sounds like even I can tackle it. 🙂

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      I know what you mean, Monica…those ones are easier to make!

  8. Simona says:

    Ce bine arată!

  9. OMG, I’m drooling, they look so good! thanks for sharing!

  10. Jenny says:

    Wow, those look great, Natalia! Looking at the ingredients, I’ll bet it’s a really yummy bar. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  11. DivaSoap says:

    Me adore all nuts! Your bar looks as if it was made at chocolate factory! I never cared much for sweets, but lately….that’s changed and that’s bad, really bad…. I better stay away from your recipes 🙂

  12. heathergfc says:

    You could package these and sell them! Gorgeous candy bars! Thanks for sharing them at Raw Foods Thursdays!!

  13. Sandra says:

    Wow, these look great. Will have to make them definitely.

  14. Very tasty they are! Thank you and we wish you much health and happiness!

  15. Lucile says:

    Alors ça !!! C’est la tuerie du mois !!! Magnifique !
    Bravo pour ce superbe recette

  16. Colchique says:

    Natalia, Miam ! Miam ! Les Nuts j’adore, mais les tiens doivent être 1000 fois meilleurs. Bravo !

    Merci beaucoup pour ta géniale recette !

  17. I have to try these, my husband will love them. Thanks for submitting them. The Bookmarked Recipes roundup is now live

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