Pumpkin Soap

I am not a big fan of Haloween, actually I have never liked this period of year . But I love pumpkin. I have always loved it. And because I wanted to use pumpkin in soap, this year I decided to like Halloween also.

I spent a lot of time thinking which essential oil to use in my soaps,  as I want to make a synergie which wouldn’t go wrong and, when a colleague brought some spice bread/ pain d’épices at work( a typical French bread made of  a mix of spices like  cinnamon , ginger,  clove ,  anise , muscade) I was very delighted to discover some spices I haven’t used before like clove bud or anis , for example.  So I decided to try a new essential oil blend  – clove bud –  for my pumpkin soap, combined with cinnamon essential oil.

Clove Oil is aphrodisiac in nature and hence serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has a stimulating effect on the mind and removes mental exhausion and fatigue. Clove Oil also induces sleep so is very helpful for insomnia patients. The health properties of cinnamon are due to its antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and astrigent properties.

The ones who make soaps know that the plans we make before making them are sometimes totally different from the final result. Maybe it’s the combination of clove oil , cinnamon oil and goat milk, but my soap got the trace so quick that I didn’t even had time to put it in my mold( the darkest part, as you see, looks more like a rebatch). And the colour changed from a nice yellow to a red brown colour.

Personnaly, I love this sweet scent combination of clove bud oil and cinnamon. I put this soap in the kitchen and the perfume is irresitable…

Soap made of:  coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, palm oil, cacao butter, shea butter, goatmilk, pumpkin puree, cinnamon essential oi, clove bud essential oil.

Ingrediente: ulei de cocos, ulei de ricin, ulei de palm, unt de cacao, unt de shea, lapte de capra, piure de dovleac ,ulei esential de scortisoara, ulei esential de cuisoare.

17 Comments Add yours

  1. Marga says:

    Wat een plaatje!! Zou willen dat ik het kon ruiken. gr.

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Bedankt Marga!

  2. Infusions says:

    I am sure it smessl irresistable! I love the deep warm orange color of the base layer. How didi you achieve the color?

  3. Maja says:

    It’s a very beautiful soap, Natalia! And very rich by its ingredients!
    What did you use to color the first layer? Whatever it was, it worked great!
    I wonder how cinnamon smells in combination with clove bud e.o., I like cinnamon in some desserts, but as for e.o, I’m not a fond of.
    I only can believe you when saying it’s irresistible!

  4. Nitya says:

    Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love everything about this soap Natalia…the scent, I love spice scents. The color, that orange is so beautiful. Love it totally!!

  5. Gordana says:

    This is absolutely beautiful, I am really impressed with this color! I made the soap with boiled pumpkin puree couple weeks ago but now it is almost brown. You really achieved nice color.

  6. Olga says:

    Beautiful soap, and I love the combination of the colors! Clove oil together with goat milk get the trace very, very quickly. Have a nice we!

  7. Geneviève says:

    Ce savon est vraiment superbe!
    L’association des couleurs est vraiment bien pensée… L’orange vif avec le blanc qui tranche donne un superbe effet. Franchement j’adore!
    Il doit sentir divinement bon en plus.
    Comme d’habitude ,tu as fait preuve de beaucoup d’originalité et de créativité.
    Gros bisous et bonne journée.

  8. Jenny says:

    Beautiful soap, Natalia! I just made a pumpkin soap myself, scented with a Sweet Pumpkin FO. Clove and cinnamon EOs sound perfect for your soap. I love the orange color, especially against the white.

  9. Olivia says:

    Natalia, its beautiful!!xox

  10. Geta says:

    Ce frumos e, arata ca o prajitura si cu mirosul imbietor e perfect. Pupici !

  11. Cee says:

    What a gorgeous orange color, and clove sounds like such a nice addition!

  12. Liza says:

    Minunat acest sapun! Si eu am folosit combinatia de cuisoare cu scortisoara doar ca am adaugat un pic de ghimbir pentru fixare. Mirosul e deosebit..nu chiar pentru oricine. Iar pozele pe care le-ai facut sunt chiar foarte artistice. Felicitari!

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Multumesc Liza! Ghimbir inca nu am folosit in sapun, insa e pt curand:).

  13. aliona says:

    Interesanta combinatia,chiar nu stiam uleiul de cuisoarele pot fi folosit la producerea sapunului,desi,de ce nu?
    Imi place cum arata combinatia de culori in general,dragut sapun.
    Bravo.a examinat si unchiul de la Soroca,i-a placut mult,si a tot intrebat din ce sunt si cum faci.
    Succes in continuare.

  14. vert citron says:

    quoi te dire a part wahou?!!!!

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