Dairy-free Bran Cheese/Branza vegana cu bors proaspat

I can’t pretend that this vegan cheese is very similar to a classic cheese recipe, but I loved this recipe so much that for me this was the best dairy-free cheese. I have already tried twice to make a vegan cheese, but I was never really satisfied with the results. Or, maybe I was expecting to get a more cheesy taste. I put in this recipe everything I thought would match with cheese and I added a homemade probiotic  bran (remember, I put it in a soap too). Adding bran instead of water made the difference.

2 cups of Brazilian nuts
1 cup of fermented wheat bran (called also Borş)
2 TbSp lepels miso
2 TbSp nutritional yeast
2 TbSp extravirgine sesame seed oil
2 TbSp Psyllium
4 cloves garlic
1 TbSp fresh chopped parsley
1 TbSp fresh chives minced
Sea Salt


In a strong blender, process all the ingredients (except the parsley and the chives) until everything is smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix it well using a spoon,  and let it ferment overnight.

We ate this cheese with some roasted pumpkin, and this was so delicious that it was all I wanted to eat during 3 days! The sweet taste of pumpkin went so well together with the salty garlic taste of the cheese!Raw vegan cheese
Poate cea mai buna crema de branza pe care am incercat o pana acum. Mi a fost gandul la branza asta de ceva vreme, si asta pentru ca visam sa adaug in ea si bors de casa. Eram foarte curioasa cum ar schimba borsul gustul acestei branzici. Si incercarea a meritat, pentru ca mi a placut atat de mult incat 3 zile am mancat doar branza din asta cu dovleac copt :). A fost o nebunie! Sotului I s a parut buna doar ca nu prea a apreciat faptul ca am pus atata usturoi, eu insa as fi preferat si mai mult usturoi pentru ca imi place atat de mult!
Bineinteles ca se poate face din tot felul de nuci sau seminte, mie insa nucile braziliene mi se pare ca se potrivesc mai bine cu tot ce inseamna sarat.

2 pahara de nuci braziliene
1 pahar de bors
2 linguri de miso
2 linguri de drojdie inactiva
2 linguri de ulei de susan( virgin)
2 linguri de tarate de psyllium
4 catei de usturoi
1 lingura de patrunjel proaspat (taiat marunt)
1 lingura de argapic proaspat( taiat marunt)
Sare de mare
Piper negru

Cu ajutorul unui mixer, amestecam toate ingredientele (cu exceptia arpagicului si patrunjelului) pana  cand obtinem o crema. Adaugam si plantele aromatice maruntite si amestecam cu o lingura, dupa care lasam compozitia la fermentat la temperatura camerei pentru o noapte. Eu am adorat aceasta crema si abia astept sa incerc si alte combinatii.
P.S. Pentru cei interesati cum sa ti faci in casa propriul bors: reteta pe care o folosesc este de aici.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Signe says:

    Wow! I’ve never thought that you could do dairy-free cheese by yourself. This goes to my “things to do sometime I have time enough”-list, like all the other things you have presented to us. 🙂

  2. DivaSoap says:

    I don’t doubt it’s delicious, but cheese…..noooo! There is a vegetable based cheese here (made of vegetable fats), but it is considered as low quality and cheap product. I see yours is high quality one, but taste…I really can believe it could be like real cheese.
    I like garlic, I think I would also like this delicatessen of yours!

  3. I’ve always loved cheese, and I’m always on the lookout for a good dairy-free alternative! How did you makethe “Bors”?

    1. mijnzeep1 says:

      Sonja, here a link to how to make bors: http://www.mehala.de/rezepte/rezepte-HTML/en_bors.html
      I hope it helps 🙂

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